Can’t work with Marble? Here’s what we recommend

We’re sorry we can’t work together. Read on for some other options.

couple sitting across from lawyer reviewing divorce papers

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At Marble, it’s our mission to provide quality legal representation to as many people as possible. While we’re always disappointed when we can’t help directly, we want to make finding legal help as easy as possible. If you’re unable to work with Marble at the moment, rest assured–you’ve got other options. 

Check out the American Bar Association

When you’re looking for an attorney, you should always make sure they’re licensed to practice law in your state and in good standing with the bar–it’s not legal to practice law if you aren’t. Many (though not all) states offer lawyer databases through the American Bar Association website, which is a good place to start looking for representation. 

Other tips for finding a lawyer online

If your state doesn’t offer a database through the American Bar Association website, check out your state’s government website; most .gov sites have an “Attorney search” function, which you can filter by practice area (which is how lawyers refer to the category of law your case falls into). 

Be mindful of “too good to be true” marketing 

In most cities and towns, there’s always some sort of law office advertising something along the lines of “rapid divorce” or “income tax filing ASAP.” While we understand the appeal (and the importance of getting your case taken care of efficiently), it’s important to do your research into any lawyer or firm you decide to move forward with to make sure you’re comfortable working with them–and not just lured in by the promise of a speedy resolution. 

Ask around 

If you have friends, family, or friends of friends that you trust that have hired a lawyer before, it’s worth asking them for recommendations. Even if they haven’t dealt with the exact same legal scenario as you, their attorney may be able to provide a reliable referral in the practice area relevant to your case.  

Stay positive-we know this can feel difficult

Above all, don’t get discouraged. We know it can feel disheartening when you aren’t able to find legal representation right away, but we’re confident you’ll find an option that works for you. 

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Disclaimer: This article is provided as general information, not legal advice, and may not reflect the current laws in your state. It does not create an attorney-client relationship and is not a substitute for seeking legal counsel based on the facts of your circumstance. No reader should act based on this article without seeking legal advice from a lawyer licensed in their state.

This page includes links to third party websites. The inclusion of third party websites is not an endorsement of their services.

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